Botschaft, Südafrika in Deutschland, Topnews,...
31. Oktober 2022
Commemoration of Commonwealth Remembrance Day
11 Nov 1919, is a memorial day that is observed in Commonwealth member states since the end of the First World War to honour and commemorate the armed forces members, men and women who have died in...
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29. August 2022
Verleihung der Goethemedaille 2022 an Frau Tali Nates
Am 28. August, dem Geburtstag Johann Wolfgang von Goethes, ehrte das Goethe-Institut in Weimar vier Persönlichkeiten, die sich in besonderer Weise um den internationalen Kulturaustausch verdient...
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10. August 2022
Besuchen Sie den südafrikanischen Pavillon auf der Automechanika in Frankfurt vom 13. bis 17. September 2022
Vier innovative und weltweit wettbewerbsfähige Zulieferer, der Exportverband der Automobilindustrie (Automotive Industry Export Council / AIEC) und Mitarbeiter des Ministeriums für Handel, Industrie...
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26. Juli 2022
Address by President Cyril Ramaphosa on actions to address the electricity crisis
Fellow South Africans, Tonight, I want to address you about the energy crisis that is confronting our nation. During the past three weeks, severe load shedding has disrupted all of our lives and...
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19. Juli 2022
Meeting mit Deutschem Industrie- und Handelskammertag
Bei einem Meeting zwischen Frau Laura Joyce, Botschaftsrätin (Politik), Frau Carol Mabuza, Erste Botschaftssekretärin (Politik), Herrn Justin Kemp, Erster Botschaftssekretär (Politik), und Herrn...
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28. Juni 2022
President Ramaphosa discusses Climate, Energy and Health at G7 Leaders’ Summit
President Cyril Ramaphosa has concluded a successful visit to the Federal Republic of Germany, where he attended the G7 Leaders’ Summit, at the invitation of the German Chancellor H.E Mr Olaf...
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26. Juni 2022
President Ramaphosa arrives in Bavaria, Germany for G7 Summit Leaders’ Summit
President Cyril Ramaphosa has this morning, 26 June 2022, arrived in Bavaria, in the Federal Republic of Germany to participate in the G7 Leaders’ Summit at the invitation of the host, Chancellor...
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