Südafrika, Pressespiegel
08. Dezember 2009
Oscar-winning star Morgan Freeman said Tuesday he felt he did "a good job" portraying Nelson Mandela in a film about the former South African president's appearance at the 1995 Rugby World...
|+| zum ArtikelSüdafrika, Pressespiegel, Topnews
14. Juli 2009
South African opera singer Pretty Yende has achieved a world first by taking home all the main prizes in the prestigious International Hans Gabor Belvedere Singing Competition held in Vienna Austria...
|+| zum ArtikelWirtschaft, Südafrika, Pressespiegel
08. Juli 2009
Pretoria-based businessman Michael Addinall is something of a solar lighting pioneer in South Africa. Not only are he and his four business partners and their company Betta Lights responsible for the...
|+| zum ArtikelSüdafrika, Wirtschaft, Pressespiegel
08. Juli 2009
Absa group chief executive, Maria Ramos, has been recognised as the Outstanding Businesswoman of the Year at the African Business Awards 2009, the banking group said on Tuesday. The awards took...
|+| zum ArtikelSüdafrika
22. Juni 2009
A South African movie has earned top honours in Spain by scooping two prestigious awards at the 2009 International Pan African Film Festival in Tarfia, on the Spanish south coast. The festival ran...
|+| zum ArtikelSüdafrika
24. April 2009
The World Economic Forum's list of young global leaders for 2009 pays tribute to 230 outstanding young professionals from a range of disciplines. Among them are nine South Africans.
Topnews, Pressespiegel, Südafrika
23. April 2009
A RECORD number of South Africans went to the polls yesterday in an election that showcased SA’s democracy and went off smoothly in spite of a few logistical glitches and poor weather in some areas....
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